61 Results for selected tag 'EMS' EMS Event Management Software software Intranet Our Intranet solution blends typical intranet comms... The Bridge The Digital Transformation, Development and Deployment Platform The Digital Transformation, Development and Deployment... The Bridge The Digital Transformation, Development and Deployment... Recycling Centre Manager Reuse and Recycling Centre software for local and... Forms Master With Forms Master, you can design your own customised... Document Master Enterprise document and records management that... Committees Master The problem: Your organisation has to organise regular... Content Master CMS Create and maintain a professional web presence... Search Master Search Master is the latest in searching that does... The Bridge The Vertical Integration, Development and Deployment Platform The Digital Transformation, Development and Deployment... Citizen Portal Our Citizen Portal software takes Single Sign on... Case Manager Case management for improved business outcomes and... CRM Customer relationship management built help our... Audit Master Manage checks that run on a schedule and record... Leisure Bookings Delight your attendees with a attractive event pages,... Elections Provide voters with information before, during and... Solutions Single Sign On Giving people fast, reliable and 24/7 access to... Channel Shift Making digital and on-line services the channel... Mobile Working Saving you both time and money our mobile working... Software Integration As dedicated public sector software suppliers with... App development There’s an App for that and we can build it! Having... Hosting With dedicated servers and hosting systems, Web... Social Media With the ever-increasing popularity of and demand... Migration As data and systems migration specialists we can... Training All our software solutions are backed by specialist... SEO Up to 75% of all website traffic to Council websites... Case Studies London Inner South Coroner's Court Web Labs have brought channel shift efficiencies... Ministry of Defence MySouthwark - Transforming Southwark Council's online services My Southwark is more than a project, it’s a journey... Enfield Traded Services Enfield Council's onlione store, dubbed 'The Hub',... Enfield Music Service Ecommerce for citizens so they can manage music... Lancashire's single sign-on portal Neighbouring councils Lancaster City, Preston City... Test Valley Borough Council Re-design and upgrade to Web labs Bridge Preston City Council The web labs bridge transforms a CMS product into... Lancaster City Council Digital by default and channel shift with web labs London Borough of Southwark The London Borough of Southwark is dynamic council... The Lights Event management software for an auditorium, hall... South Derbyshire District Council South Derbyshire District Council citizens website... Milton Keynes The Borough of Milton Keynes in Buckinghamshire Southwark Intranet - theSource Southwark Intranet - theSource Camping and Caravanning Club Online bookings, events, fact sheets and member... The Local Government Ombudsmen The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsmen Winchester City Council use Web Labs for Channel shift Winchester City Council Winchester Guildhall Winchester Guildhall Preston Guild City Preston Guild City Buckinghamshire County Council Buckinghamshire county council use weblabs eforms... Somerset County Council County Council Inverclyde Council Inverclyde Council County Councils Network XBOX ONE - Marketing App XBOX ONE - Field Marketing App Content CMS design patterns Choosing the design patterns for your content managment... Website development We deploy the Web Labs Bridge for the development... Digitial transformation Your organisation’s channel shift strategy is a... Privacy Policy At Web Labs Ltd, we take data privacy and protection... GDPR & Digital Transformation General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is industry,... Custom Design & Integration Bespoke Software : the Web Labs difference Software training Software training : maximising your investment Web labs hosting Web Labs supply hosting solutions for a large number... About Web Labs is a leading software developer and systems... Digital Transformation with Web Labs Web-Labs is one of the UK’s leading digital technology... Lancaster, Preston and Fylde single Sign-on portal
The Bridge The Digital Transformation, Development and Deployment Platform The Digital Transformation, Development and Deployment...
The Bridge The Vertical Integration, Development and Deployment Platform The Digital Transformation, Development and Deployment...
MySouthwark - Transforming Southwark Council's online services My Southwark is more than a project, it’s a journey...