Digital Transformation with Web Labs

Web Labs

Channel Shift

Making digital and on-line services the channel of choice for local people is the key to what we do.

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As local government specialists with over 15-year experience of supplying hundreds of Councils and public sector bodies – we truly know and understand the dilemmas and difficulties of channel shift.

As hard-pressed councils you continually have to do more with less!  Yet changing systems and culture is tough…very tough!

Our full range of software products allows councils to quickly develop a digital transformation programme that is fully focused around saving money and improving services to customers.

With high quality design-based on real life user feedback we have deployed channel shift software and systems into Metropolitan, Unitary and District Councils.

As a software developer, Web Labs is not confined by the boundaries of existing systems.  We think outside of the box and provide councils with ready-made solutions to common tasks and problems.

From system design to process efficiency, Web Labs is your Channel Shift partner of choice.  With our specialist local government knowledge and experience we provide fully tested and proven systems that deliver real results and give councils a head start in the channel shift journey.

Let us help your Council with channel shift too… find out more please contact us