Transforming Local Government

Web Labs


COVID-19 Client Support and Working Arrangements

As valued clients and customers, we would like to re-assure you about the services and client support that Web Labs will continue to provide during the current coronavirus pandemic.

With social distancing measures now fully in place, demand for on-line services will continue to grow.  As such, we have put measures into place at our UK based data centre to be able to cope with such demands.
We will continue to monitor demand and introduce further measures as necessary.  Our client support team continues to work full time and is also on hand to help should you experience any issues or problems with your digital and web services.
As a company, we have also put into place a series of measures to reduce the potential spread of the COVID-19 virus, including:

• All Web Labs staff working in isolation from each other

• All face to face meetings have been postponed

• All communications are electronic, phone, email, Skype, Zoom etc.

• Incidents of self-isolation will have no impact on work practices

• Travel restricted to essential travel only

Whilst clearly this is an extraordinary and unprecedented situation, it will very much be a case of business as usual in supporting all our clients and customers.
We will continue to provide regular updates though in the meantime, please take care and keep well. 

Last updated: 24 March 2020